Thursday, March 27, 2014

Comic Heels

It's very simple to make, just takes time and patience. Here's what you need:

1. Mod podge paste
2. Mod podge finishing gloss
3. Paint brush or sponge
4. Scissors 
5. Comic books
6. Heels with plastic finish (not canvas or any fabric material)

I bought a comic book for four dollars. I chose justice league but you can be creative and choose any theme you'd like! Don't limit yourself to comic books either. I am making a music sheet pair now and possibly a map themed. As far as the heels go, I purchased some at a local goodwill. 

Cut a few strips of comic and glue on your collage with the mod podge to the shoe. Once you've finished make sure you spray it with a gloss so it is protected and nice and shiny! :)